More than 1000 dancers performed the Gandrung dance at the Gandrung Sewu Festival, Saturday, October 12, 2019. Dressed up brightly, the colossal dance of Gandrung this time reddened the lips of Boom Marina Beach with the beauty of an exotic scene.
With such a distinctive strains, this dance successfully amazed the visitors. To add to the interesting, various dance formations displayed with a beautiful style and the beat of a red fan. No wonder they were greeted with thunderous applause from visitors.
The Gandrung Festival is regularly held once a year for the past 8 years. Previously, Boom Marina Banyuwangi Beach was also the place chosen by the Banyuwangi Government in carrying out this annual festival.
For Anas as the Regent of Banyuwangi, the Gandrung Festival is no ordinary event. This festival has a purpose and benefit in the government's efforts to support the advancement of regional culture. According to him, this was done to develop culture-based tourism to drive the people's economy. Because this sector is able and strong to withstand the emergence of the potential for world recession. This is proven by the existence of this event, the Grandeur of Gandrung Sewu has become the 10 Best Calender of the Wonderful Indonesia Event.
Being one of the fixed agendas of regional tourism, Gandrung Sewu always appears special with themes that depart from history and the story of past struggles. This year the Sunangkoro Flag is the theme shown.